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Nowhere House Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Nowhere House Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you play through the game, and unlock all the ends and collections.

Nowhere House Full Walkthrough & Guide

1. [There are many doors in the walkthrough, there are fewer doors in the early stage, so I don’t describe them much. There are more doors in the later stage, and I will describe the entrance of the door in detail]

First enter the game, the animation ends, and the red frame gets the pattern [There is a bottle Placement Tips inside]


2. Come to the picture below, the cabinet in the yellow frame gets a phone without battery; the red frame: places the order of the bottles according to the prompts in the pattern you just got, open the cabinet below and get the red key [the broom will float away at this time]

3. Find the location in the picture below, use the key to open the door and enter

4. Open the red frame in the picture below to get a prompt related to the fireplace and music; get the blue book in the yellow frame


5. Get the battery at the yellow frame in the picture below, click the battery in the item bar, then click the phone, item combination, and get a phone with power


6. Combined with the prompts of the fireplace and music, tune the radio to the red frame, put the phone in the yellow frame of the fireplace, and turn it to 4 [because the phone and the radio are at the same frequency at this time, and the music is the same]. After completion, get the paper at the pink frame Tablet Tips


7. Combining the symbol on the paper and the radio 8277 to get four symbols, use these symbols to open the lock at the red frame, and start the chess game



8. Complete the chess pieces according to the picture below, open and get a gem


9. Come to the fireplace, lift the white cloth, the animation ends, put the gem you just got in the yellow frame, the animation ends, and enter the painting


10. In the female npc’s painting [the task is to help her find the cat], find the door in the picture below and enter, and get canned food, carrots, and black pot at the red frame

11. Enter the location shown in the picture below, find the cabinet and open it to get the shovel


12. Enter the position in the picture below, and find the blue flower in the red frame

13. Use a shovel at the red frame to dig out a key

14. On the edge of the cliff, a bird was seen in the red frame, and then disappeared


15. Enter the house, find the location in the picture below, open the table with the key, put in the blue book, put together the pieces of the characters, and then get four Symbol


16. Switch to the original house in the item bar, go to the position in the picture below, unlock the lock according to the above symbols, and enter


17. After entering, find the location in the picture below, open the cabinet and get the dice and oil bottle


18. Go downstairs and come to the picture below, use the oil bottle to open the yellow frame to get the skull

19. Switch, come to the female npc portrait, give her the dice, and then see the dice points 5314 in the yellow frame


20. Enter the door below, put a skull in the yellow frame, click the dice point 5314 in the red frame, and get the gem in the pink frame

21. Scene switch, go upstairs to the location shown in the picture below, find the location shown in the picture below and lift the white cloth, the animation ends, put gems in the red frame, and enter the male npc portrait


22. In the portrait of the male npc [the task is to help him find the hat], get the magic ball in the red frame in the picture below

23. In the portrait of a female npc, put a magic ball in the red frame. Start the animation


24. In the initial house, open the cabinet in the picture below and find the image in the red frame, switch the male and female NPC portraits respectively, open the cabinet to find the other two symbols, and finally open the box below to get the seed


25. Come to the picture below, get the keys, candles and matches from the blue frame

26. Go to the picture below, give carrots to the rabbit, then find the door on the right side and enter

27. Get the rope at the red frame in the picture below, and then switch to the initial portrait


28. In the initial portrait, use the key to open the cabinet in the picture below to get playing cards and TV signal lines

29. In the portrait of the male npc, go up the stairs, click on the red frame and see a bird on the branch


30. Find a male npc, give him playing cards, and get four playing card hints


31. Come to the picture below, open the box with the poker card prompt, get the key and lighter

32. Go downstairs, come to the TV, put the TV signal on, press the TV button and you will see the following three scenes

33. Original portrait, enter through this door, find this door, use the key to open and enter


34. Open the door and follow the little rabbit to the red frame to get the blueprint clues


35. Find the frog in the red frame


36. In the male npc portrait, press the button and get a prompt


37. Find the position in the picture below, and you will see the rabbit jumping into the bathtub


38. Go back to the TV, press the button, get the rabbit prompt


39. In the female npc portrait, follow the previous rabbit prompt to the following picture, after the rabbit jumps up, the wooden board of the stairs will become the following figure


40. In the initial portrait, enter through this door, and open the box to get the barrel according to the prompts on the staircase plank


41. In the female npc portrait, enter through this door, put the barrel under the faucet and open the faucet to catch water

42. Go out from this door, put seeds in the yellow frame, water it, grow vines, go up along the vines, and go to the second floor [because the stairs collapsed as mentioned earlier]


43. Go to the second floor and get the can opener from the yellow frame; on the other side, get the red book on the ground, click on the blue book, and get the tip of the bird


44. In the original room, put a black pot and wood in the fireplace, turn on the lighter, open the can with a can opener, put in cat food, and see a cat by the chimney, and finally find a cat on the window in the picture below


45. In the portrait of the female npc, give the cat to the female npc and get a key; follow her to the picture below, and pay attention to the position of the moon on the hanging cloth,The moon represents the position of the candle[the position of the moon is random] IMG_256IMG_256

46. In the original portrait, come to the position in the picture below, light the candle with a lighter according to the position of the moon, and get the hook at the yellow frame

47. In the portrait of the female npc, go up along the vines, use the key to open the cabinet, and get the hat of the male npc


48. In the portrait of the male npc, give the hat to the male npc, and the npc will perform magic, and get a box and escape hammer

49. Come to the picture below, break the glass with the escape hammer, pull the tab at the blue frame, the little boy will prompt that the time is now

50. In the original portrait, find the time of the clock at 11:50, use 1150 to open the lock at the red frame, get the owl block and key inside, and then go upstairs


51. In the female npc portrait, go down from this window to the first floor and enter the room in the picture below


52. Go to the fireplace, use the key to open the chest, get the telescope inside

53. In the portrait of the male npc, use a telescope to watch the red frame, click on the tree in the distance, and you will see some patterns on the branches, which can be seen to be patterns of different animals [At the same time, pay attention to the position of each layer of the pattern]


54. According to the prompts, adjust the red frame to correspond to the animal, and pull down the gate at the yellow frame [at this time, the object on the well outside the room falls]


55. Come to the picture below, put the turntable in the pink frame, open the red book to get the clues in the red frame, match the symbols and graphics on the turntable one by one, and get the small sculpture in the yellow frame

56. Go downstairs and come to the position in the picture below, put the red frame into the hook, and go to the green frame to pull the gate [The manhole cover is pulled away]


57. Come to the mouth of the well, combine the rope and the barrel, then put the sculptor into the bucket, go down the bucket, and get the key


58. In the original portrait, use the key to open the book in the red frame, and open it until the next page is torn off

59. Come to the picture below, first light the candle with a lighter, then put the candle, blue flower, and frog on the ground, click on the torn magic book, the magic works, and the vine man disappears, revealing the outside scene


60.As the animation progresses, the bad ending follows, where the female lead is physically abused by a witch …

61. After the bad ending animation, the heroine can break the necklace with a life-saving hammer. When the necklace is broken, the glass door opens. The heroine is rescued, meets her companions, and walks out of the house.

That’s the main strory of nowhere house walkthrough & guide, hope you like it.

Owl Collections – Nowhere House Walkthrough & Guide

After the game is over, there will be an owl collection achievement when returning to the interface


① In the female npc portrait, an owl was found in the fireplace


② In the portrait of the male npc, outside the window on the second floor, you can find an owl with a telescope


③ In the portrait of the female npc, an owl was found on the branch outside the house


④ In the female npc portrait, an owl appears in the magic ball after the animation ends


⑤ In the original portrait, an owl was found on a branch outside the house


⑥ In the portrait of the female npc, an owl was found on the ground where the red magic book was found


⑦ In the original portrait, an owl is found in the red frame


⑧ In the portrait of a male npc, the TV is equipped with a signal cable, and the first or second button is pressed, and an owl appears on the screen


⑨ In the male npc portrait, open the window at the red frame and find an owl


That’s Nowhere House Walkthrough & Guide, hope it helpfull.

Nowhere House Full Playthrough Video

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