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Layers of Fear 3 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Layers of Fear 3 (AKA Layers of Fear 3)Musician’s Story Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to playthrough the game and reach all the different endings.

Quick Navigation:

Part1 : Painter’s Story

Part2 : Actor’s Story

Part3 : Daughter’s Story

Part4 : Musician’s story

“The Musician’s Story” is actually the content of the DLC Painter’s Wife in “Layers of Fear 1”. It tells the psychological world of the heroine.

The remake of “Layers of Fear” (2023) rewrote a small part of the plot flow.

You will play the role of the painter’s wife and wake up in her room, and then start to complete the exploration of each room of the painter’s apartment in the order of the plot arrangement.

Layers of Fear 2023 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide


First leave the wife’s room and explore the studio downstairs.

There is a portrait of a wife in the studio, after entering the studio, you will not be able to return the lobby.

Push the door again to enter an aisle, pick up the flashlight here.


The puzzle solving in the studio is mainly in a room with mirrors.

You need to move the mirrors here so that they form various doors, and then start exploring the corridors and the rooms in them.


Gather a key on a table, then open the room with the door opposite the mirrored room.

Note that you will encounter female evil spirits on the way, use the focus function of the flashlight to expel them.


Go to the room opposite the mirrored door, collect the first quest item, the Medic Rod, and put it back on the workbench inside the mirrored door.


Rotate the mirror to make it a scene to explore in the next act.

Use the same method to explore the opposite room, and this time you’ll find the second quest item, the Bandage.


Rotate the mirror again to enter the third act exploration scene.

Follow the corridor to the end and pick up the third quest item here, the potion.


Once you’re done collecting, go back to the mirror room and rotate it to the gate with the fence unlocked.

Then pick up the needle on a doll and open the shackle door near the room.

You will return to the lobby.


Storage Room

Next, you can come downstairs, the shackles in the storage room will be cleared, and you can start exploring this room.


Explore the bird cage house in the room, then you will be locked in a room with walls on all sides.

After waiting for the lights on the ceiling to go out, look around for doors to exit.


Pick up the violin bag on the bed in the bedroom, then go to the next room and find a dead bird on the table.


Next you need to decide whether to put the dead bird in a cage in one room or place it in a window in another room.

(This choice will affect the ending of the game, please refer to the game ending section for details)


Next, go through a corridor and come to a painting, knock down the portrait and pick up the scissors.


After going through a series of rooms, you will return to the starting room location, open the shackle door here, and return to the hall.


Basement – Layers of Fear 3 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide

Then the door to the basement will open and you need to start exploring here.

Interact with the piano at the end of the basement to proceed the plot.


Next, head towards the basement exit, where a new corridor will form.

You’ll be chased by the Wraith again, and after escaping from her, you’ll find the only exit through the elevator shaft.


Jump into the elevator shaft, at which point the whole image flips 90 degrees.

Run forward quickly to avoid the elevator that is about to fall, and you need to have enough time to move some obstacles along the way.


Eventually you’ll wake up from your room, and that’s the end of the chapter.


Painter’s office – Layers of Fear 3 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide

Start exploring the painter’s office on the second floor.


The entire office will form a new map, which is divided into upper and lower floors.

You don’t have to worry about getting lost, just look for the illuminated room door on each floor, enter and pick up the note on the shackle.

(Note, if you do not encounter notes when entering some rooms, you need to look for them carefully, their locations are relatively hidden)


You need to find six notes upstairs and downstairs, then return to the second floor again.

On this floor, you can find out a fallen treasure chest first, interact with it and return to the first floor.


You can find a writing desk in the corridor on the first floor. You need to choose the paper on the left or the right to upgrade the plot.

(Your choice will affect the ending of the game. For details, refer to the content of how to achieve the full ending of the game.)


Once you’ve made your selection, a door at the end of a nearby hallway will open, allowing you to return to the lobby to prepare for the next chapter of exploration.


Children’s room

Next you can explore the children’s room on the second floor.

The light in this room is dim, and you can see a lot of creepy doll toys.


Keep exploring until you find a key on a large chest.


Next, take a higher flight of stairs to the second floor.

Enter the room here and pick up the quest item on the table.


Go to the next room full of doll heads and pick up the two dolls here.


Then continue to explore the inner room until you come to a room full of shackles, use the focus function to destroy the blood doll here.


You will then come to a room with twisted ropes and portraits.

You need to choose between the twisted rope and the portrait to proceed the plot.

(This choice will affect the final ending of the game. For details, refer to the content of how to achieve the full ending of the game)


Continue through a series of collapsed rooms to find the key on the table.

Then the female evil spirit will start chasing you, you need to find the gate exit quickly.


In the next room, you’ll come across an image with scissors and a violin.

You need to choose between the two.

(The choice here will not affect the direction of the final ending of the game)


After completing the above exploration, you will reach the exit of this chapter.


Studio – Layers of Fear 3 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide

Enter the studio and begin the exploration of the last chapter.


In fact, this will be the final chapter of the musician’s story.

You just have to keep exploring along the broken road here.


After exploring, watch the plot.

You will usher in the musician’s finale.

Depending on your choice of important plots in the game, there will also be different endings.

This concludes the “Musician’s Story” process section.

Musician’s story full endings – Layers of Fear 3 Walkthrough & Guide

You can get two different game endings.

Ending 1: Alone

How to achieve:

Among the three key plot points, choose at least two conditions that can achieve this ending.

In this ending, the heroine will not be able to bear the anxiety and pain caused by her disfigurement, and finally commits suicide in the bathroom with a knife.


Ending 2: Accept

How to achieve:

At three key plot points, choose at least two conditions that can achieve such an ending.

In this ending, the heroine will accept her imperfection and finally choose to run away from home, leaving the painter and their daughter alone.


Attachment: Key Choices

There are 3 choices in the game, how you choose the plot point will affect the final ending of the game.

Choice 1: dead bird – Layers of Fear 3 Musician’s story Walkthrough & Guide

You will encounter a dead bird at one of the plot points.

Put it near the window

The game ending will move towards Ending 2.

Put it in the cage

The ending of the game will be approaching in the direction of Ending 1.

Choice 2: writing

You will find 4 important notes in the mid-to-late process, and finally at the desk you need to choose how to write them.

Choose clean paper (near the violin)

The game ending will move towards Ending 2.

Choose the torn paper (near the hanging rope)

The ending of the game will be approaching in the direction of Ending 1.


Choice 3: Eliminate noise

You’ll enter a room towards the end of the game and choose to subtract the rope on the left side of the picture or the portrait on the right.

The rope

The game ending will move towards Ending 2.

The image

The ending of the game will be approaching in the direction of Ending 1.


Other Layers of Fear’s Walkthrough

Part1 : Painter’s Story

Part2 : Actor’s Story

Part3 : Daughter’s Story

Part4 : Musician’s story

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